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Process and product environmental monitoring

Certified safety


PRSL(Product restricted substances list)

MRSL (Manufacturing restricted subtances list)

Worldwide accredited laboratories, "INTERTEK" perform periodic tests on our products and raw materials to verify compliance with the most stringent PRSL and MRSL limits required by international brands.

These specifications, which restrict the presence of hazardous substances, on products and in manufacturing processes are generally more restrictive than the same regulations and standards of agencies and states.

A guarantee of health and
protection for all

RSL compliance plan with INTERTEK since 2015 for chemical monitoring of raw materials and production to offer safe products to the supply chain.

In collaboration with Intertek®, we constantly audit our raw materials and finished products, as well as the water cycle.

Over the past 9 years, we have conducted more than 5,000 tests with Intertek® aimed at chemical monitoring of raw materials and the production process to ensure the safety of our products for the entire supply chain.

Monitoraggi chimici su materie prime,    materiali prodotto finito e ciclo delle acque Conformi a RSL (Restricted Substances List)

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Sustainability report

We decided to draft a document that would allow us to share with our stakeholders the commitment that has always distinguished our company's work.

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